Dr. Seuss Reminds Us to be Ourselves

22 Sep

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” -Dr. Seuss

Surround yourself with people that like you for who you are.  If you feel like you have to act a certain way in order for someone else to like you, it will never evolve into a genuine friendship.  If someone is going to judge you for being yourself, they don’t belong in your life.  Those who actually care for you will have your best interest in mind and want you to be happy.

Dr. Seuss began his career as a cartoonist and along the way wrote and illustrated 44 children’s books that have sold over 200 million copies around the world. His stories have been adapted onto the big screen in movies including Horton Hears A Who and How The Grinch Stole Christmas, among many others. Dr. Seuss’ characters in his books always seemed to exemplify this quote perfectly.  The cat from Cat in the Hat wore his big hat and acted how he pleased and the Grinch learned that when he was true to himself he was better liked.

I bet no one ever told you to follow the lead of a cartoon, but by staying true to yourself you will attract the people who are supposed to be in your life.  Those who love your for who you are will accept you in any form.

Video Slideshow

16 Sep

Einstein’s “Genius” Quote

15 Sep

Albert Einstein. He is known as one of the smartest men in the world. I don’t know about you- but when I think of Einstein, lab tables and chalk boards filled with mathematical formulas come to mind.  When I came across this quote I realized he was on a whole other level of intelligence. He was insightful and introspective and used his own life experience to produce this quote that would help others understand his “genius”.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” – Albert Einstein

My simple interpretation of this quote is:  just because you are not good at one certain task does not mean you are not as intelligent as the person who is amazing at that certain task. Contrary to public belief, Einstein was actually a good student. He, however, had a failed marriage because he was so enthralled with his work. Many people may not be able to come up with a formula to change the world, but they have a long flourishing marriage.  On a smaller scale, this quote can be an example for every person who knocks someone down for failing. The person who failed has the ability to greatly excel in another aspect of life.